For those who have decided to join the Jewish faith, Beth Israel provides a comprehensive conversion program.

The conversion program is run by Rabbi Adam Stein. Classes run from September – June and consist of a weekly 2 hour learning sessions with Rabbi Stein and a Hebrew teacher. The sessions begin at 7:00 pm with Yoel who teaches Hebrew followed by Jewish studies taught by Rabbi Stein. This detailed program covers all aspects of Jewish history, religion, customs and laws. Students are required to attend classes alongside their partner if they have one.

The tuition cost covers instructor fees, books and High Holyday tickets. Each student will meet with Rabbi Stein periodically thought the program. At the end of the program, students will write essays and then meet with Rabbi Stein to review them determine their readiness to move on to the actual conversion ceremony.

Once a student has been approved for conversion the student meets with the beit din (our three rabbis), immerses in the ritual pool, or mikveh, and, if a man, undergoes circumcision. Click here to learn more about the ceremony.

If you would like more information about our conversion process please contact Tovah Carr or Rabbi Stein at