Members Account Login

Don’t Have a Login or Forgot Your Password?

Use your browser (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox) and click  here :

In the upper right corner, click on the Login button:  or you may see the message below.
“Login Required To Access This
If you were sent to this page, please login below or email the site administrator.
(Rather than email please call the Beth Israel Office and we will be happy to assist you)

Then click on “Forgot Password.” That’s right. Even if this is your first time to use your account, clicking “Forgot Password” will get you started.

Follow the instructions that appear to create a password.

Payments, Donations and Tributes
Click on Donate button in navigation bar and follow the prompts.

Update Your Account
In the top right corner where it says” Welcome Your Name” click on “My Account.” The next screen offers several options for managing your Shulcloud account.

Select My Profile
Verify and edit your profile information. Click “View and Edit Your Profile” on the lower right of your screen. At the bottom of the page, under Other, you can add your picture. Click “Save Changes” on the bottom right of your screen to permanently save this information. Note there are some options such as “Contact Info” across the top of the profile that you may want to view or change.

Select My Family
Verify and edit your family information. Click “Edit Your Family” on the lower right of your screen. If you have children, please be sure to click on each of their names to verify their information. Remember to save any changes that you make.

Go to Edit My Address
Verify your address is correct. Click “Edit” in the lower right to update your address if it has changed. Remember to save your changes.

Review your transaction history